A Favorite Post

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Low Tide, Manomet Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It is such an idyllic setting here in Manomet on Cape Cod Bay in the warm and green months of the year. And at low tide, it's a delightful place to walk and try to achieve my daily 10,000 steps. (No - I don't always get that many - sometimes it's closer to 6000 or 8000 - I have the goal but not always the discipline).

Memories of the harsh winter of 2018 are increasingly distant as repairs to the bluff and stairways continue to progress.

All is not healed yet - sand stream trails flowing down the bluff during recent regular rains are still visible.

A rebuilt stairway to the sand. Now, if the water would just warm up - it's still about 58 degrees F - too cold except for kids and dogs and other less whiny creatures than an old man.

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