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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Buttermilk Falls State Park, Ithaca, New York, USA

Another day of gray skies accompanied me to visit the Buttermilk Falls State Park located just south of downtown Ithaca. Like many trails in the gorges, this one is closed for much of the winter due to hazardous conditions.

Swimming was the last thing on my mind on this cloudy, drizzly, cold, breezy day.

The Rim Trail, which climbs steeply into the woods was open so I started the uphill trudge.

Lots of storm deadfall along the trail with bright orange/red wood on the inside.

With no leaves out yet, a partial view of the full cascade is visible through the brush.

This may seem like a lovely peaceful forest setting - it is, sort of - if you accept the unchanging, unrelenting, continuous pounding of tons of water racing down the gorge in a frothy, churning flow - it's not like waves at the beach that come and go - a waterfall just roars without noticeable changes - and it's just through the trees on the right side of the trail.

It was a solid hour walk uphill the entire way and I think an even more difficult walk down because of the mud and potential slippery conditions. My most prevalent old man thought: don't slip and fall and break a hip.

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