A Favorite Post

Saturday, September 16, 2017

"Cambridge Carnival International Festival," Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

I had a great time recently at this annual festival in Cambridge. I took the Redline "T" from Braintree to Kendall, walked the parade route to Central and, after the parade, rode the "T" back from Central. A smooth, and efficient plan to avoid driving and parking in busy Cambridge. Photographically, I chose this area along the route because I liked the trees and the background near Central Kitchen and the sun angle was pretty good along that stretch. I was not alone - lots of photographers out and about.

"Cambridge Carnival is a colorful and festive celebration rooted in African traditions. This free festival is celebrating 25 years this year and is considered a Cambridge Institution, and is the largest festival in Cambridge with thousands of attendees. The highlight of the festival is a grand costume parade accompanied by rich rhythmic musicality promoting all types of cultures. Participants can be seen as revelers masquerading through the streets in dazzling handmade costumes, dancing to the beat of the Carnival. The festival is also an opportunity to celebrate Cambridge’s diversity, enjoy international foods, and purchase multicultural crafts from around the world! (Source: Cambridge Carnival.org)

(Click on an image for a higher resolution version if your device supports that action).

This man led the parade, crackin' a bullwhip. I'm not sure why.

He was followed by Miss Carnival.

Then along came a great marching band to get things going musically.

This was a random friendly dude interacting with the roadside crowd. Not sure if he was part of the event or made himself part of the event. In any case, it doesn't matter.  The truck behind him was common - perhaps I saw 10 or more throughout the event - with portable speakers, musicians, percussionists, DJ's, whatever - all blaring Carnival music at unbelievably high volumes.  They would have drowned out jet airplanes during takeoff even if I was standing by the runway! Throbbing bass you could feel in your bones. I love it. Fill me with loud music.  I may be getting old but I'm not done yet.

But these are what we came for - beautiful artwork costumes! The winds were lighter this year than last so it was easier for the people to maneuver in the streets - the tripod base on wheels helps, too, for those that have them.

No wheels.

No wheels.

Random people in the crowd.

Seems maybe to be a family affair for this group - but I'm just guessing.

Looks like a heavy burden to carry but still, this youngster was all smiles.

I think I'd prefer the wheeled versions if I was marching.

I always enjoy this event - happy people, beautiful colors and costumes, loud music, nice weather - a great combination.

This restaurant along the route had an incredibly fitting marquee that looked like a parade participant.

This restaurateur was serving Indian street food along the route........

......and here, other cooked food was available from a vendor tent......

...and you could wash it down with yummy fruit drinks.

I had a few extra minutes waiting for the parade to begin so I headed over to Graffiti Alley near Central Square - always interesting. This artist was quite happy and willing to share information about her art and the whole alley concept.

It was a perfect summer day again in the Boston area!  Seems like we have had more than our normal share this summer - I'll take it gladly!

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