A Favorite Post

Monday, September 18, 2017

"A Walk on the Waterfront," Plymouth Harbor, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

A car isn't always just a car - sometimes, it's so much more.

The youngest of six daughters, the driver/owner sitting at the wheel of this 1962 Corvette, as a little girl would hand her daddy tools while he lovingly restored an identical Corvette. Decades have passed, she's grown up, raised her own family, and today, I met her sitting on the waterfront enjoying a spectacular late summer day in "America's Hometown." She is sitting in the exact model car she helped her daddy build all those years ago. It may seem like she is sitting alone but she's not - her daddy is with her sharing the memory.

Our things and possessions aren't always just things - sometimes, they are infused with life and the wonderful memories of days gone by - like maybe helping daddy build a car........

It's mostly quiet on the waterfront today - the kids are back in school, vacationing families are back at home, and slowly we residents assert our domain again to enjoy the almost 400-year-old settlement of Plymouth.

Some nautical types use a taxi service to get around and/or in the harbor........

....others use dingys or other water craft.

Soon, the boats will start to disappear from the harbor buoys, either sailed to warmer climes or, hauled away to back yards or storage yards, many shrink-wrapped in plastic - getting ready for another brutal New England winter ahead.

It is a pretty spot - Plymouth - the Pilgrims chose wisely all those years ago (and were very lucky, too, their survival critically dependent on receiving help from the Native Americans that lived here then).

One of the 29 different and individual lobster art displays around "America's Hometown" - Plymouth. A nice place to be - always.

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