A Favorite Post

Monday, June 12, 2017

Procession for Santa Maria di Anzano, North End, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

I was in the North End neighborhood of Boston recently and observed this procession to honor Santa Maria di Anzano. This is the first of many religious processions and feasts that will be held over the summer months in the North End, a predominantly Italian-American neighborhood.

The North End Marching Band provided the musical accompaniment.

The statue of the Saint emerges from the Sacred Heart Church.

A confetti canon provided a brief rainstorm of paper.

The organizers position the statue and band to start the procession.

And off they go through the narrow North End streets.

A creative use of a shopping cart and a few bungee cords.

The procession stopped in front of Pagliuca's Restaurant and the band........

....proceeded to march inside, surround this big table and play a tune.  Who would have thought?

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