A Favorite Post

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Sunny and Rainy and Out and About, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy

Mostly it has been sunny every day on this trip but on this day we had a few sprinkles from time to time between sunshine. This image is made near the "cookie bench." So named because we sat there one day and ate too many vegan chocolate chip cookies we bought from the store, "Green," in Lucca near Piazza San Michele.

The young folks on break from school were smart to have umbrellas on hand in Piazza dell Anfiteatro.

The streets glistened with the coating of rain that looked like a sheen of ice - just to make us New Englanders feel at home.

But of course the sun came back out and normal life resumed.

Pedestrians continued to move about through the Porta dei Borghi, a 13th century gate.

During the showers, window shopping became popular to seek protection under the overhang of the eaves. In this odd view, the Cathedral is reflected in the background of a shop window as are two other folks who are observing an artisan craft a piece of jewelry on the inside of his shop.

And speaking of window shopping........the Alps simulated in folded chocolate seems a good idea.

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