A Favorite Post

Saturday, April 1, 2017

A Night Walk, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy

The Cathedral of San Martino glows brightly in the dark of night as I wandered around town enroute to a concert.

As I walked down Via Fillungo, I experimented with motion blur by selecting a slow shutter speed (1/10 second) and pressing the shutter while rotating the camera on its lens axis. On this one, my camera rotation was too slow.

This one is pretty good but the central elements are too blurred.

This one retained good central focus but has too much radial distortion.

Although I would prefer a human in the image, this one kept good central focus and radial blurring while retaining good definition in the brick wall.

All in all, a successful experiment.  If I were the teacher I'd say, "good effort but needs more work, keep at it."

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