A Favorite Post

Friday, March 17, 2017

Visual Definition: "Insouciance," Piazza San Michele, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy

Just off Piazza San Michele in the heart of Lucca, this scene developed. I can't say I've had an opportunity to use the word much in my lifetime, "insouciance," but, the young man in the center seems to capture it well. "Insouciance" is defined as a casual lack of concern; indifference. His jaunty lean projects such an attitude.

Truth be told though, we all know he is laser-focused aware of the two young women nearby - and he is probably not indifferent. Meantime, all around him normal daily life plays out in the very center of Lucca - Piazza San Michele.

As the afternoon sun dips below the buildings, only a touch of reflected Tuscan gold in an upper window remains to color the world. This is one of my most favorite images so far on this trip.

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