A Favorite Post

Friday, March 24, 2017

Institute Boccherini, Piazza del Suffragio, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy

There are benches in this piazza, the Piazza del Suffragio, but I preferred leaning against the sun-drenched wall and soaking in the moment of sun and sound. It is also the front courtyard of the National Institute of Musical Studies Luigi Boccherini. The city records report the existence of music schools in Lucca all the way back to the seventh century.

As for me, when the sun moved from wall to bench, I sat on a bench and listened as the purposeful tones of piano and string continued to gently pour from the open windows of the Institute. A magical moment of light and sound and place.

The statue of Luigi Boccherini graces the center of the piazza.

As the sun traverses its arc through the southern sky, Luigi Boccherini comes to life in the spotlight of sun greeting the students and masters who pass by on the way into the Institute.

I can feel already it is a special place - I look forward to performances to be held later this month.

On a different day, with more diffuse light, Mr. Boccherini is more visible in the midday sun.

No matter the day, it seems that beautiful live music drifts from the open windows and washes over us all in the piazza. It feels like living inside a foreign film - without subtitles.

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