A Favorite Post

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving Parade, Part 2 of 2, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

This is part two of my posts about "America's Hometown" annual Thanksgiving Parade. Part one is at this link.

If aliens arrived from outer space and saw a parade in progress, what would they observe about us? A parade is usually a reflection of a society's focus - what events and actions we hold dear - music, patriotism, tradition, military, uniforms, performing precision routines in unison, are just a few elements.

I didn't see any aliens but, I did see thousands and thousands of folks turn out on the cloudy, chilly parade day to celebrate Thanksgiving. We gather in large numbers as a culture for sporting events and parades - the difference being that everyone goes home a winner after a parade.

In the fall of 1621, after surviving the first brutal winter that killed about half of the Pilgrims, the remaining number gathered with local Native Americans, the Wampanoags, and celebrated the bounty of the harvest. The survival of that initial group was due to the assistance, grace, and kindness of the Wampanoags.

The following images were made during this year's parade and are mostly in chronological order although I moved around from downtown to the waterfront sometimes seeing the same groups walk by twice.

That's all until next year!

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