A Favorite Post

Friday, November 25, 2016

A Magical Moment, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Out of bed just after dawn, I looked out the window and there at the edge of the yard, lay this handsome fellow. I was inside at a second story window looking through double-paned glass. Either he didn't see me because of the angle of reflection or he just didn't care. I doubt the latter because EVERY time in the past, he and the associated she and her two young ones will spook and run away instantly upon seeing or hearing human sounds or movement.

He hung out flat on the ground for another five minutes or so and then, as the first rays of sunrise cut through the trees, he stood up..........

....looked around........

....scratched his nose.......

.....flashed his tail........

.....and calmly walked off into the rising sun.

A nice way for both of us to begin the day.

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