A Favorite Post

Thursday, August 18, 2016

"America" Visits "America's Hometown," Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

The sailing vessel, "America," arrived at Plymouth Harbor's State Pier for a four-day visit offering sailing rides and onshore tours. "America" is a replica of the 1851 ship that won the sailing race around the Isle of Wight in 1851, thus beginning the America's Cup race series that is still popular today.

The "Mayflower II" waits for its new dockmate to arrive.

After turning around in the harbor, the "America" backs into the docking area. Both vessels are similar in size but, perspective makes "America" look much smaller than "Mayflower II" in this view.

Maneuvering closer to the dock.

The crew has attached the lines.

And attached the rubber baby buggy bumpers.

And then, the vessel is winched snug to the dock.

The vessel now secured, the gangway is extended, and the boarding process begins.

The captain personally checks each passenger against the manifest.

Last one aboard, time to pull in the gangway and head for the ocean.

The captain gives instructions to the passengers.

The lines are cast off.

The captain is at the wheel.

And off they go heading for the channel out to Cape Cod Bay to go sailing.......

....leaving behind a young dreamer who didn't get to go out this time. Maybe another day.......

Life is good in "America's Hometown."

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