A Favorite Post

Monday, July 11, 2016

Vegan Food, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Here is another installment in my occasional series on "what do vegans eat?" In this case, a whole wheat pizza crust brushed with olive oil, topped with tomato sauce, mild spices, peppers and onions, tomatoes, broccoli, corn, carrots, spinach, non-dairy mozzarella-like shreds, and always..........

....lots of avocado. Yum!

Another dish on another day was julienne zucchini and yellow squash, tomatoes - both sundried and grape, sweet potato, pine nuts, all splashed with lime juice arranged on a bed of lettuce. (And of course, avocado).

For dessert, raspberries with coconut whipped cream and pine nuts. More yum!  And the flowers?......

.... are chamomile - not actually food but, good for making tea.

The website "Veggieful" had a recent article about some of the science behind the vegan diet. Please check it out at this link.

It is possible to eat very well without participating in the wholesale and unsustainable world-wide slaughter of animals.

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