A Favorite Post

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

"Death to the Drama Club," Priscilla Beach Theatre, Priscilla Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

This teen workshop, the second of five productions as part of the Priscilla Beach Theatre (PBT) Summer Children's Workshop Series, was recently performed on the Barn Stage. This crazy funny show was directed by Matt Torrance and produced by Bob and Sandy Malone.

The story line is about drama club students who come to the rescue when their wickedly devious temporary principal, Mrs. Grackle, threatens to cut their struggling program to balance the school's budget. The students and their sponsor rally together to give an impassioned plea at the school board meeting. Impressed, the board decides to give the club one last chance, provided they can put an original version of Wizard of Oz together...in one week. The result is an uproarious, whirlwind adaptation of the modern classic, but is it enough to save their beloved drama club?

I am neither a theatre critic nor a particularly theatre-savvy kind of man but, I do know if I enjoy a show or not. I am here to tell you that this performance was a flat-out great show - outrageously funny and clever - well executed by director Matt Torrance (whom some of you may remember for his outstanding performance in last summer's run of "Chicago" here at PBT). The cast of young teens were in fine form as they performed their way through this delightful show. At times, they were barely able to contain their own laughter and stay in character - it is that funny a show for performers and audience alike.

These images were captured at the final dress rehearsal and are in order of occurrence in the show. Click on an image for a higher resolution version if your device supports that action.

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