A Favorite Post

Thursday, July 14, 2016

The Beauty of Nature, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Nature is often a harsh and unforgiving environment yet, it is astounding how much beauty is visible particularly during the peak of a New England summer.  These are the rewards of a sometimes harsh New England climate. The image above is my favorite - an effective use of depth of field in photographer-speak.

These are flowers in random yards visible to me as I walk along the quiet lanes of Manomet trying to get in my 10,000 daily steps.

They are not in a fancy greenhouse or other protected space, but out in the world for the bugs and bees and birds and people to behold.

Cape Cod Bay peeks through the break in the trees where a path leads down the steep bluff to the water below.

It's a good reminder for life generally - beauty is all around us but, we may have to look for it and focus on it or the bad stuff might overwhelm our perspective.


  1. You have a beautiful blog!
    It's great to see you can enjoy life now, hope to be able to travel a lot when i grow older.

    Greetings from sunny Cancún!

    1. Victor,

      Thanks for your comment. The Yucatan is a beautiful place, too!
