A Favorite Post

Friday, July 22, 2016

Out and About in Summer, Bartlett Pond, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

At the beach.  This small catamaran was preparing to launch from Priscilla/White Horse Beach.  Not a common sight in my experience. Flag rock is in the distance.

In Manomet. Late in the afternoon, the overcast started to dissipate and dazzling shafts of light broke through illuminating the far side of the pond where this lone deer had come to nibble and have a drink.  It's as if Central Casting constructed the scene and placed the deer just so. Once again, it was better to be lucky than good - and to have a camera nearby at hand even though this is zoomed at a great distance and viewed through double pane glass.

At Bartlett Pond. Finally, I was able to get an image of a hummingbird feeding at the bee balm that wasn't blurred beyond recognition. Usually, they fly out of frame before I press the shutter.

At Bartlett Pond. This gray catbird enjoys a cool bath on a hot summer day.

In Manomet.  I think this might be where former fishing buoys go to spend their final days.  Life is good in southeastern Massachusetts during our short but glorious 10-week summer.