A Favorite Post

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Sailboats, Hyannis, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA

Passing by the Hyannis Harbor, I stopped to see these lonely little sailboats resting on their docks. My timing was lucky because.......

....in just a couple minutes, a small army of young sailors appeared and starting setting up the boats for use.

I must not be a true New Englander. The idea of sailing when the air temp is in the forties F and the wind blowing 10-18 knots with white caps on the water is too much for my cold-averse mentality. On the other hand, the excitement of these young sailors to get set up and on the water is palpable.

All set and ready to fill the sails and GO!


  1. As much as sailing is in my soul and I love it...I can not do it at the cold temps either...I am a warm weather sailor for sure!

    1. And the water temp is in the 40's also!
