A Favorite Post

Monday, November 16, 2015

Rabbit Pond, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Rabbit Pond is always a delightful spot to walk around and visit but, even more so when the fall colors surround the perimeter of the pond.

A colorful jewel in Manomet's crown.

Rabbit Pond is about five acres in size based on my rough estimate.

It is designated Conservation Land with public access but, there isn't any dedicated parking area so it is best visited on foot.

All of the homes that surround the pond are situated outside the ring road so no houses are directly on the water.

I made this series of photos a few weeks ago. By the time you see this post, all these leaves will have fallen to the ground. Sigh.


  1. Thank you for the great photos! I love living on Rabbit Pond.

    1. Thanks for commenting - you have a wonderful location to call home.
