A Favorite Post

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Another Beautiful Day, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Fall color is advancing quickly as the days grow shorter.

A backlit red leaf against birch bark always makes a nice image.

But water-skiing in the bay off Manomet bluff seems a bit out of season to me.  Water temp is in the mid-50's F - this person is one of those hearty New Englanders.

An interesting array of clouds moved in late in the afternoon. 

Adding a foreground element against the wet, reflective beach complemented the sky nicely.

But adding a human silhouette almost always improves any image.

The clouds darkened to an apocalyptic black. You can't quite see it in this picture but, to my naked eye, the tall structures in Provincetown were visible twenty miles distant on the tip of Cape Cod.

Yep, a human silhouette definitely improves the view. And the view in Manomet is always hard to beat.

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