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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

A Fall Walk, Blue Hills Reservation, Milton, Massachusetts, USA

The Blue Hills Reservation is a 7000 + acre public property about 10 miles south of Boston. Laced with hiking trails and hills it provides a green oasis close to the big city and is managed by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR). There are 22 hills within the 10 square miles of land and it is a fine place to wander on a fall day.

You can walk up the paved road or take a rocky trail through the woods to get to the top.

Or, you can bicycle up and down at least ten times like this enterprising local man does for exercise.

Still a lot of green in the trees on this visit.

But enough color for me to make a quick still life.

The stone tower at the top affords a commanding view of downtown Boston in the distance and the surrounding areas.  The stairs at left go to the top.

When you stand atop the tower and look out at the majesty on a crisp, fall day - the azure sky punctuated with cumulus clouds - the wind is like a symphony orchestra - one area of tree tops rustling in a gust of wind, another area starts in - all around the different sections chip in to complete the full orchestral arrangement. 

These two international visitors chose a perfect day to visit.

It was another of those spectacular days to be alive and outdoors in the greater Boston area.

He's on the way down on trip number six. (And thanks for wearing red).

Makes me want to buy a bicycle - except for the uphill part...........

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