A Favorite Post

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Wandering Around, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

High tide in the arc of the bay. I watched a group of five gulls soar along the bluff on the up slope winds. They carved a big arc reversing course to join up with two others who were trailing behind. Why would they do that?  Was it to be social? Were they offspring trying to keep up? Friends? Relatives? What survival function could drive that behavior?

I think they were just having fun.  Fun is not limited to humans.  If you've ever watched a baby moose playing in a lawn sprinkler, or squirrels wrestling with each other you know it.

Perhaps the gulls just wanted to share the pure joy of soaring flight with each other - to share their "gullness."  Yep, I choose that answer.

Sometimes, I just make a small part of my world in color to focus on its beauty.

Odd effect here - it's just a basic Manomet panorama along the shoreline but, the distortion makes it look like an island in the ocean in some exotic South Pacific location. I like that. Manomet as a South Pacific paradise. For eight weeks or so every summer, it truly is.

The beach volleyball net is up and ready for the young folks to play.

I'm alive, the sun is shining, I have food to eat, a roof over my head, clothes on my back, people to love and be loved by - it is enough, life as it is.  I don't want or need more, bigger, better, faster. Enough really is enough.

Note: all images made with my cellphone.

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