A Favorite Post

Monday, June 15, 2015

Random Sights and Thoughts, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Today, in my sort-of-rural home in Manomet, I saw two foxes, one deer, three rabbits, a raccoon, two green heron, a great blue heron, many other bird species, a half dozen turtles sunning on a log, and a half dozen chickens wandering near their home - and this bumblebee - who was very tolerant of me sticking my cellphone in his face as he's trying to gather pollen from this rhody. I was close - very close.  

This lovely impressionistic-looking painting is simply a neighbor's yard that hasn't been mowed yet this year.  It looks wonderful! I wish that most yards looked like this.  Whoever decided that green grass clipped short should be the standard anyway?

To walk on the beach you have to get to it. Stairs to the beach are a great equalizer - EVERYONE must transport their own self up and down the bluff, no shortcuts, no getting someone else to do it - if you want to go to the beach you have to go up and down more than 100 steps - I like that.

I have mentioned before my daily search for an image of extraordinary in the ordinary.  Today was doubly successful both with the bee picture and the sky picture above. And talk about extraordinary, the cellphone seems to be a device that has zero moving parts except the push-button on/off switch. That is absolutely pure magic.

Note:  all images in this post were taken with my cellphone.

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