A Favorite Post

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Sunset, L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

We are getting ready to leave L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue after using it as our base to explore this area of  Provence for the past  three weeks. We have had a strong mistral wind blowing for the past six days - gusty - 20-30mph - dry and mostly clear. About a half hour before sunset, the clouds on the western horizon were showing potential so I headed out for another attempt to see a beautiful sunset.

More clouds start moving into view.

After the first couple images, I was cold and under-dressed, the wind was howling, so I turned and started for home.  Ten steps later I stopped and turned around and went back.  Another couple images and I did the same thing.  Eventually I stayed another half-hour until it was too dark and cold to get anything useful.

It just got better and better.

Found a slightly different vantage point nearby.

Patience is hard-earned standing in the cold and wind. Clearly, I was richly rewarded. (These images are straight out of the camera with some minimal cropping - no other Photoshop trickery.)

Here are a few random thoughts about France I have neglected to mention in previous blog posts:

1. eating outside in the world on a cool day with the sun shining down on my plate is ALWAYS a delightful experience.
2. salad is never served here with nasty iceberg lettuce but rather with fresh romaine or similar - crisp, fresh, and green.
3. the French culture does not try to protect you from your own stupidity and carelessness - the roads are narrow and twisty with steep banks and often steeper drop-offs and seldom are there guardrails - drive carefully and pay attention - it's not France's fault if you hurt yourself.
4. life and living is a good thing to be savored, not something that needs to be managed, regulated, controlled in every detail, nor rushed through.
5. I like France - a lot!

Note: two posts today, keep on scrolling.

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