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Friday, April 10, 2015

Roussillon, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

The town of Roussillon stands on a hilltop of what was once a very productive world source of ochre for the pigment used in textiles during the 19th century. This is the follow-up to my April 1 post.

In recognition of the important part the ochre mining played in their history, they have built a nice park with a formal trail that provides informative signs along the pathways.

Many of the pine tree trunks were stained red from the wind-borne ochre dust as it pelted the gray bark.

Nice place for photos. A well-marked path winds through the woods and deposits, the wind whistling through the pines, snow-capped Mont Ventoux was visible to the north, the ochre often soft underfoot on the trail like a bed of pine needles

You can see the various shades of ochre tinge in the buildings in town.

Roussillon is another beautiful spot in an area filled with beauty - Provence.

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