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Friday, April 3, 2015

Lourmarin, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

Today's destination was the village of Lourmarin, located on the south side of the Luberon mountain ridge. And what a glorious day it was with a great dramatic sky. How fortunate we have been to have had some days here with just spectacular weather - mostly attributable to the "mistral" that's been blowing strong every day for the past week.

To get to Lourmarin, we passed through Bonnieux on the way over the mountain where a never-ending view all the way to snow-capped Mont Ventoux was an added treat.

And speaking of treats, in Lourmarin we found another outdoor cafe filled with happy diners - including us.

Lunch seems to be an art in this country, not something you rush through to get back to work.

Wine is often the beverage of choice.

If it is physically possible to set up a table outdoors, every restaurant operator will do so. Sidewalks aren't just for pedestrians - if there is a table blocking your sidewalk, walk around it. Sometimes the tables sprawl out into the already narrow streets. No one seems to mind.

Is it called a selfie if you're shooting a reflection in a store window?  Are two people in one image together still called selfies or, pairies or, twofies or, groupies or, what?

The lunch hour has mostly ended, only a few stragglers remain at table.

I applied a texture to this image - that's what creates the cracked feature.

This image I also added filters and textures to this simple still life. Now it is "art" - maybe.

The Smart Car brand is a wonderfully useful vehicle in these towns with such small streets and tight spaces. I have seen many of them and often wish I was driving one as I navigate these narrow streets in a much larger rented Peugeot sedan.

Cat on a roof.

Sittin' on the stoop - hands on knees.

Sittin' in a shop window - hands on knees.

Centuries of footsteps have worn the stairs up to the Château de Lourmarin, a 12th century fortress.

An orchard in bloom outside Lourmarin on the way back home.


  1. Worn steps, like Pisa. Love the caps in the selfie.

    1. Yes but, I remember the tower marble steps more sensuously worn compared to these.
