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Friday, March 13, 2015

Andrezel, Île-de-France, France

Andrezel is a small village in the beautiful agricultural countryside about 40km/24 mi southeast of Paris. We passed through on a random drive on small back roads. I love the tree-lined entrance to the village (which I have already driven through and am looking back).

A old stone roadway leads to the village church.

I especially liked the red doors in the courtyard just outside the church entrance ......

........ditto on these red doors a block away.

This goose was beside him/herself that we dared to approach the bank of his small river. I have never heard such honking and squawking in my life from one such small creature, perhaps a nest nearby? I couldn't find a build date for the bridge but I'm guessing a few hundred years old. Great example of the endurance of an arch structure.

Andrezel was typical of many/most of the small villages we've seen in this part of France - quiet, calm, a sense of generational history, and visual beauty around nearly every corner.

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