A Favorite Post

Friday, January 30, 2015

During the Blizzard, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It may be hard to believe that all of the images in this post are in full color.  It was that kind of day.

Blowing snow caked on the outside of the window.  The object right of center is a bench in the distance. The snow fell for about 24 hours, sometimes big flakes sometimes little, sometimes light sometimes heavy, but the wind, oh! the wind - it just howled and howled and howled, audible anywhere inside the house or outside - no respite, just wind and wind and wind.

Ours was a popular local restaurant for the birds - I kept two feeders full throughout the storm to make our feathered friends happy, healthy, and coming back for more.

These chairs were covered by a porch overhang so they didn't get much snow. I like the lines, curves, and contrast.

Venturing out into the neighborhood, this is one group I did not encounter - any children. Of course, I didn't encounter any adults either.  I guess most normal people don't like walking around in blizzard conditions. 

Some folks couldn't get out anyway because of drifts. Did I mention the wind?

Only me and the snow plow operators were out and about.

The oncoming headlights are a snow plow. This is "downtown" Manomet at the corner of State Road, Strand Ave., and Manomet Point Road.

By the way, these images were made in the early afternoon - normally the brightest part of the day. When the storm finally moved away, we had almost 30 inches of pure white wonderland covering our world.

Did I mention the wind?

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