A Favorite Post

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Before the Blizzard, Bartlett Pond, Manomet, Chiltonville, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

This peaceful farmland scene along Old Sandwich Road reminds me that southeastern Massachusetts still has some wide open rural spaces. And despite the media hype about the coming blizzard, harsh weather is not new to this area.

This area is only about 40 miles from Boston, a world-class city. (Panorama - click on image to view in full width.)

Classic cedar shingles are a common exterior finish in this area. When they are new, these shingles are a golden-toast-color but, after a few seasons of the elements, they weather to this beautiful gray. I'm partial to gray since that's what is on top of my head nowadays.

Many of Plymouth's ponds are thick with ice.....which I'm standing upon to take this photo.

In fact, most of the 30-acre Bartlett Pond is frozen solid. The forlorn tin can scarecrow can only dream of spring just seven short weeks away - and hope that his arms don't blow off in the nearly hurricane force winds coming soon.