A Favorite Post

Monday, August 4, 2014

It's Still Summer, Bartlett Pond, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I have found our local bumblebees to be extremely tolerant of me getting close to them while they are gathering pollen from these blue thistle flowers. It is ironic that as a kid and throughout my life, I've always expected bees to sting me yet, as an adult, I am often very close to bees and have never been stung. Unless I step on or hand on one, they seem no more interested in stinging than I am in getting stung. Funny how some childhood fears never leave.

What is it about balancing rocks that is appealing?

The march of the seasons plays out every morning. A month ago, the sun rose a couple inches to the left in this view.  At the winter solstice, the sun rises way off screen to the right.


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