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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Fireworks, Independence Day Celebration, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

As daylight fades over Plymouth Harbor (The Mayflower II is at dock at left), the growing crowd of thousands patiently awaits the annual Independence Day fireworks celebration at the waterfront in downtown Plymouth. The fireworks display was delayed from the traditional July 4th date to July 12th as a result of the passage of Hurricane Arthur. This new date was an absolutely perfect warm, dry, sunny, New England summer day.

A full "supermoon" rose to the southeast over the Manomet Hills, briefly entangled in the boat rigging in the harbor.

The patriotic live orchestral music played in the new bandshell.  It was time for the show.......

Happy 238th Anniversary, from America's Hometown!


  1. Great pictures! I absolutely love the one with all the boats. I hope to someday visit the beaches. I'd love to visit New England...I bet the foliage in fall is amazing.

    1. Denise, it is truly a beautiful place here.
