A Favorite Post

Friday, July 18, 2014

Amy's Garden, Bartlett Pond, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It is that time of the year when Amy's hard work in the garden explodes in a riot of color and beauty. I am a lucky man - I get to enjoy a spectacular garden without having to do the work - except occasionally I have to dig a hole on demand for a new planting.

This little bee has been busy as evidenced by the yellow pollen she has collected on her legs for transporting back to the hive.

The hummingbirds prefer this variety of  Scarlet Bee Balm.

This yellow lily is covered in either morning dew or leftover rain.

It's a nice spot from which to contemplate the universe - except there is a very fine line between contemplation and  napping.


  1. Ahh, what a nice reprieve from the busy day. Thank you to Amy for sharing her garden in your photos. How striking the coneflower middles are!

    1. Heather, thanks for taking the time to comment.
