A Favorite Post

Monday, May 26, 2014

1000th Blog Post Milestone - Favorites from 2013: Mexico

Recently, I published the one thousandth post since I first began this blog in 2010. I decided to mark the occasion by republishing some my favorite images - to me, they may be either memorable, creative, evocative, beautiful, striking, or thoughtful.  As a die-hard point-and-shoot camera user, I am often pleasantly surprised with the results.  This group of images was made in 2013 in Mexico.  I hope they captured a few brief moments in time showing some of the beauty and wonder that surrounds us on this planet. 

The images I've published in these 1000 posts are a large part of why this blog has received more than 200,000 page views since the beginning. Now, I have reached the point where I get hundreds of page views daily. That means that somewhere around the world and around the clock daily, someone views this blog.   The internet is truly an amazing instrument for sharing.

Of the total views, more than half are from the United States, and thousands each from Canada, Russia, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Mexico, Ecuador.  Other views have come from all 50 of the United States and the District of Columbia, and 165 countries and territories around the world. One specific post has been viewed a few thousand times!

It boggles my old mind when considered in the context of my formative years in the 1950-70's when a telephone was the extent of modern communication.   I could never even imagine such a world as the internet provides us routinely today.

This blog serves an increasingly useful purpose to me as it facilitates retrieval of people, places, and things that my aging mind can't recall quite so quickly.  It's an online scrapbook, photo album, journal, calendar - a reminder of where my journey on this planet has taken me.  Sometimes I'll click on an old post just to relive the memory.  I think in my dotage someday, it will be a pleasant method of armchair travel.

I like the fact that many people enjoy looking in on this blog - it is good that I can shine a pinpoint of light into people's lives - most whom I don't know and will never meet.  Brightening someone's day is a welcome act in a world that tends to focus on bad news and tearing people down.

Thanks for checking in to view Joe's Retirement  Blog, it only takes about 60 seconds - usually.

1 comment:

  1. Andrew, thanks for your comment. Congrats to you - 800 is a lot, too. Joe
