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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Villa Reale di Marlia, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy

Villa Reale di Marlia, was owned by noble families throughout its history and even included Napoleon's sister, Elisa Baciocchi, when in 1805 she held the title of sovereign of Lucca. The villa is situated about 5 miles north of Lucca. Construction began in the 15th century.  Today, owners the Pecci-Blunt family, have restored the grounds and have opened the property for tourists to visit and wander for a fee.

The villa itself is a rather traditional rectangle sitting grandly on a circular carriageway entrance. (Visitors are not permitted in the building.)

The portico must have arched over quite a few entrances to fancy parties back in the day. And now, step around to the back of the house........

..... here's what they had for a backyard. A yard, pond, trees, gardens, and a view that stretches out forever.

Walking down the yard and looking back at the villa, this panorama shows both the main Villa at left and the smaller Villa del Vescovo on the right. The panorama distorts perspective - the Villa del Vescovo is actually perpendicular to the long expanse of yard. (Panorama - click on the image to view full width).

Villa del Vescovo has seen better days but it still stands with its classic lines and curves.

The tale of construction methods is visible where the stucco has fallen off.

The property is laced with carriage and footpaths to maneuver among its many acres (30-40 acres is my guess) of gardens, ponds, trees, plantings, and lawns.

One of the formal gardens.

I was particularly taken with this sculpture of Saturn.  The detail in his forehead is unbelievably lifelike. The property offered a beautiful and peaceful way to spend an afternoon wandering on a perfect spring day.

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