A Favorite Post

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Castello Nozzano, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy

The Nozzano Castle was built in the 12th or 13th century (I've read conflicting sources). Its purpose was to defend Lucca against attack from the Pisans.  Nozzano is on the north side of the Serchio River and Pisa had constructed a corresponding fortification on the south side. Lucca and Pisa are about ten miles apart as the crow flies, longer on foot, horse, or car to get around the intervening hills.

This location was no more than ten minutes outside Lucca. The castle was not accessible so there were no other tourists when we were there on this gray, showery morning - but we had a great lunch at the bottom of the hill in a local restaurant - local families, regulars, no tourists (except us).

Nearby is this grand villa.

And spring is still in bloom. 


  1. I lived in this lovely little village for 6 years. It has a lot to offer by way of natural beauty, countryside walks and is an ideal place to base yourselves for a Tuscan adventure.

    1. Dorothy,

      How wonderful that must have been! Thanks for your comment.
