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Thursday, April 17, 2014

People , Lucca, Tuscany, Italy

It was wonderfully inspiring to hear the haunting notes of this talented violinist echoing in a tunnel through the wall of Lucca as passersby strolled through..  Something about classical music being played in the homeland of  Verdi, Puccini,  and Vivaldi  made it feel magical.

And of course the residents of Lucca do love their dogs......

... and water is always available at the public taps in the piazzas. Interestingly,  I seldom heard any barking.

Reminders of the long time presence of the Catholic Church are often visible in both the people and the town's many churches.

Three young men with smiling faces and willing spirits indulge a group of photographers from the United States. They were fundraising for their scout troop - the young men, not the photographers.

I don't know where these three women were taking their blind-folded friend but they seemed to be having a great time doing it.

A makeshift boxing ring in this piazza affords aspiring young boxers an opportunity to train under the close supervision of parents and coaches.

Outdoor table seating is common even though the narrow city streets are shared also by pedestrians, bicycles, delivery vans, and the occasional automobiles. City life here can be a whirlwind of activity with all the movement and loud speech and accompanying gesticulation.

A typically smiling and helpful face of a young waiter at one of the local restaurants. Since tourism is a big part of the Lucca economy, the service employees seem regularly tolerant of our attempts at their language. Everywhere we've gone the Italian people have been friendly, welcoming, and helpful.

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