A Favorite Post

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Turkeys, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I looked out the window to see if the snow had begun yet.  It had not. Instead, I was treated to a small flock of wild turkeys that often wander through our yard or roost in the trees. I'm glad to see they made it through the Thanksgiving holiday. I'm not sure how old they are but we've been seeing them periodically since last spring. (His odd posture is because he was turned around preening his back feathers).

When the light angle was just right, some feathers glowed an iridescent color of gold.

They are very skittish creatures and don't ever let me get close, much as I would like to.  These images were made from inside the house looking out through double-pane glass windows. Surprisingly, for their seeming size, weight, and ungainly appearance, they fly quickly and efficiently nearly straight up into 50-60 foot tall trees when approached. 

Seeing them brought back to mind a fantastic television special on our PBS station (Public Broadcasting Service in the United States) a few years ago.  Since then, seeing a wild turkey will never be the same for me.  You too, if you choose to watch the video at this link.  

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