A Favorite Post

Friday, December 20, 2013

Almost Winter, Bartlett Pond, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

On the last day of fall here in New England it is starting to look like winter. During the recent cold snap the 30-acre Bartlett Pond has mostly frozen over. A light snow otherwise covers much of the area.

It is hard to believe that this verdant oasis is the same place - six months ago near the end of spring.

The long shadow of a leaf-less oak makes a good place to hide behind to make this image - except that my elbow shadow is sticking out - I probably didn't need to say that, it could maybe have passed for just another oddly-shaped branch.

Six months ago, same view - we still had a chimney back then.

Even when it is gray and cold and wintry - a special kind of quiet beauty is still apparent on 
Bartlett Pond.

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