A Favorite Post

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Cambridge Carnival International, Part 2 of 2, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

This is part two of my post on the Cambridge Carnival.  Today's contain my favorite portraits of individual participants.  

My favorite smile.

My favorite dancer.

The strongest man - he had to battle a powerful gusty wind the entire parade while wearing this huge fan-like costume, often leaning forward at steep angles to offset the wind.

The smiling man again.

My favorite boots.

My second most favorite look - my favorite is next.

Between the hand gesture and the face, this look says it all - my favorite of the day. Whatever story he's telling her, I don't think it's working.

Smiling man again with a smiling woman.

These young participants are congregating near the reviewing stand as successive acts pause to dance.

What a great way to spend a late summer afternoon!

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