A Favorite Post

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Cambridge Carnival International, Part 1 of 2, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

This is a two-part post - today a general post about the festival and tomorrow portraits of participants.

Cambridge Carnival International is now in its 20th year and attracts thousands of people and is the largest festival in Cambridge. The highlight is a costume parade accompanied by powerful and rhythmic music - in other words, the music is so loud that if you get close to the speakers you can feel the pounding in your chest - and as one who is fond of loud music, I confirm that it fills every cell in your body, not to mention what it does to your ears.

I don't think I've ever been to a parade with such exuberance, joy, fun, movement, music volume, and happy people.  A total assault on most of the senses.

I'm not sure why this spectator felt compelled to bring his own drum but there you go.....

I am not convinced that this touristy looking man standing in the crosswalk is aware that he is about to be run over by a parade.

Sometimes it was difficult to tell the participants from the spectators.

The crowd was a melting pot of cultures as was the varied food at the many tents and stalls.

These small green fruits were popular.  They are called Guinep (Melicoccus bijugatus). Crack the thin egg-like shell and then suck the sweet, sour, slimy pulp inside.

And no Caribbean festival is complete without both the memory, visage, and reggae music of Bob Marley for sale on compact disc.

Tomorrow's post will contain portraits of some of the performers.

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