A Favorite Post

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Vegan Burger, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Here's another post in my occasional series about, "what do vegans eat?"  Personally, I've always enjoyed a good burger - comes in its own edible wrapper, is both hot and cold, sweet and savory, salty and spicy, crunchy and yielding, goes well with french fries, and is a perfect vehicle for ketchup. And being a vegan does not mean I don't get to eat burgers. They are just not made with animal parts.

For this particular meal, instead of the traditional sandwich-style, I prepared it open on a bed of lettuce, a mild tomato pico de gallo, farm fresh uncooked sweet corn, pine nuts, diced avocado, slivered almonds, and the star of the show, a vegan burger patty. Sometimes, I'll put warm marinara sauce on top - or just plain old sweet tomato ketchup - or an oil and vinegar salad dressing - or I'll put in on a bun - or I'll cut it all up and wrap it in a tortilla, actually multiple tortillas -  it's the taste that matters - I choose the delivery system.

Here's my favorite. First, let me say that I am not in any way associated with this company other than I just like the product and am using it to tell this story. There are other vegetarian/vegan burgers on the market. (And if I wasn't a lazy cook, I could make them from scratch also).

It is made with good stuff - no dead animals or animal parts.

And here's the numbers for you number counters. We buy these at Trader Joe's but I expect other markets carry them. Enjoy - when I eat the plants of the earth and not the flesh of sentient animals, it makes me feel good - mentally and physically, spiritually and ethically.

I have other posts about vegan food if you'd like to see/read more. Just type "vegan" into the search box in the upper-right margin and it will take you there - or click on this link: http://joesretirementblog.blogspot.com/search/label/Vegan%20Food