A Favorite Post

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A Neighborhood Park, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It isn't often that a new park just appears in an established community.  But such is the case this time. On the land of the former Catholic Church and parking lot along White Horse Beach Road, the anonymous new property owner(s) have created a beautiful park.

The following images are all panoramas - click on each to view in full width.

Here's what it looked like on May 7 of this year.

Near as I can tell, the benefactor(s) seems to be keeping a very low profile or perhaps just wants anonymity. Perhaps the best tribute to such kindness and goodwill is for all of us to help keep the park neat, clean, and beautiful for everyone to enjoy fully.  Compared to the broad expanse of mostly asphalt that once covered this lot, today's result is quite a transformation.

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