A Favorite Post

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Wood, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It is always sad when a grand old tree falls during a ferocious winter storm........the end of  many years it spent providing comfort and shade, rustling in the breezes, a haven for critters large and small, its leaves exploding in color in the fall......

....but cutting, chopping, splitting, stacking, and drying will keep it around for at least another season to bring warmth from a wood stove on a cold winter's evening. I know there are concerns about burning wood and the pollution from the smoke. On the bright side, at least wood is a renewable fuel source unlike coal, gas, and oil.  And a well designed wood stove, properly used with good quality firewood can minimize such pollution. The bottom line however, is that no source of heat is without some cost - even "clean" solar and wind power require the processing of natural and unnatural materials to manufacture the turbines or panels to generate the power.  Being warm and surviving requires using the earth's resources - no one has figured out a way around that - yet - except for living in a year-around-warm climate.  Food for thought.

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