A Favorite Post

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Vegan Pizza, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

In my sometimes series about eating vegan food, here's a pizza idea. Start with a whole wheat foundation, a 450 degree oven and a pizza stone and you can't go wrong.  Cover the cooked dough with your favorite pizza/pasta/marinara/tomato sauce.  Sprinkle some herbs and spices to your taste.  Then add the toppings.  It might be planned or it might be "clean out the refrigerator pizza."  You really can't go wrong with tasty vegan toppings.  In this case I added black beans, sugar snap peas, green peas, sliced zucchini, diced onion, and vegan "cheese" (made from non-animal sources).  Cook for  7-10 minutes and eat.

But before eating, of  course I add guacamole.  There are very few meals on the planet that can't be improved by the addition of guacamole (or pieces of avocado).

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