A Favorite Post

Monday, February 4, 2013

Walking Man Walks, Puerto Aventuras, Quintana Roo, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

I see many sights on my daily walks. Normally, I try to photograph and  focus on positive sights and sentiments.  But sometimes........I just can't help myself.  The species above I call in Latin, gringo americanus embarassus.   (And no, it is not me - but please - if you ever see me looking like this, put me out of my misery and have me taken far away).

Bar swings are fairly popular along the Riviera Maya. I don't get the concept personally - when I try to drink something in a swing it sloshes down my face - who came up with this idea anyway? Like drinkers aren't funny enough without putting them in a swing?

This large palapa was built for weddings at a Puerto Aventuras hotel and I expect it gets quite a bit of use.

I wonder sometimes what makes one real estate development a success and others either struggle to survive or don't make it. (Location, location, location is my guess).  These seem to be thriving.

This one, clearly not. So much was expended - time, money, effort to obtain and prepare the infrastructure, build the buildings and then.........

.......nothing now but a broken dream.  It's now waiting to be rescued by some low bidder who can maybe make a go of it somehow.  This property isn't oceanfront but is on a lagoon. I saw a couple agoutis scurry through but not much else.

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