A Favorite Post

Friday, February 8, 2013

Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

This bronze sculpture, "Portal Maya," was designed by sculptor José Arturo Tavares as part of the 2012 celebration of the end of the Mayan long count calendar. It depicts a man atop a column of wind and a woman atop a column of water joining hands at the top. The two rings evoke features from the Juego de Pelota (the ball court) at many of the Mayan archeological sites. It's quite stunning in person and provides a great visual artistic anchor to this area of downtown Playa del Carmen.

This little boy seems enthralled by the statue towering overhead as he stands at the base staring upwards.

This view is from the Cozumel ferry dock, an arriving ferry on the right, the Portal Maya statue faintly visible on the left. (Click on this panorama image to view full width).

One of the many beach cafe/restaurant/wifi hang-outs in the late afternoon shade.

This family is either coming back from the Cozumel ferry or otherwise just moving to a hotel in town. Sure beats carrying suitcases by hand. (The Cozumel skyline is faintly visible on the distant horizon about 12 miles away).

A lone troubadour walking to his next engagement.

And always, the warm and blue Caribbean calling for children to come play, clothes and all. The air and water temperature always hovering either side of 80 degrees F.

Colors of nature and colors of humans - nice complement.

....and speaking of colors....... here is some pretty cool sidewalk art. I expect it is from last year's Day of the Dead holiday celebration here in Mexico in November. There always seems to be something interesting to see or do here in "Playa." No wonder it has grown into a hip, cosmopolitan town.

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