A Favorite Post

Friday, November 9, 2012

Bird's Eye View - Part 1, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

There is nothing like the intense beauty and exhilarating thrill of flying.  Whether a hang glider, an ultralight, a glider, or a 4-seat single engine airplane, I always enjoy my child-like wonder at flying through the air in one of these small intimate flying machines. It's a much different and richer experience than traveling in a big commercial airplane.
So on this very crisp fall afternoon between the passing of Hurricane Sandy and the arrival of a strong Nor'easter, I joined Captain "Buddy Mac" for a scenic flight over beautiful Plymouth and other areas in southeast Massachusetts.  In the photo above, Buddy is visually checking the fuel during the pre-flight inspection.

After taxiing out, we turned onto the runway at Plymouth Municipal Airport for takeoff. I don't have any pictures during takeoff since Buddy let me pilot during it - the first time in many years I felt the pleasure of gently pulling back on the controls, felt the nose of the aircraft slowly rise, and then saw the earth fall away. It's a magical moment everytime. And yes, it is like riding a bicycle - although you may be rusty, you never forget how to do it once you've learned.
If there is any view that captures Plymouth County, this is it: ponds, trees, and cranberry bogs.

We turned east, crossed the coastline in Kingston at Rocky Nook Point, and turned south toward downtown Plymouth.

We flew over the harbor and past the downtown area before heading to White Horse Beach.  Then it was time to close the window and let my hands thaw from the cold wind. That's where Part 2 will start tomorrow.

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