A Favorite Post

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Summer Evening, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Brewster Park is immediately adjacent to Pilgrim Park in downtown Plymouth and offers a nice strolling path along a babbling brook.

Pilgrim Park is the famous site of  Plymouth Rock where the pilgrims landed in 1620. In summer the park serves as a venue for outdoor weekly free concerts (See this blog or this blog for earlier posts).

This week's opening act was Sarah Blacker......

....and her percussionist Shaysh.

Immediately in front of the stage, two little boys played in the dirt........

.......and a little girl danced as if no one was watching.

Sometimes they all played together.

And as the daylight faded, another perfect summer evening in "America's Hometown" was capped off with a beautiful technicolor sunset along the waterfront, the third day in a row of spectacular sunsets.  (See Amy's blog here for last night's sunset).

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