A Favorite Post

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


In a few of my blog posts some months ago, I experimented with GIF files to show motion. The GIF, by it's full name, "Graphics Interchange Format, is a bitmap image format that was introduced by CompuServe in 1987 and has since come into widespread usage on the web due to its wide support and portability" (source: Wikipedia). Anybody else remember CompuServe?

The following GIF was sent to me. I did not take these photographs nor did I perform the action shown but - I have always liked both fire and tennis......I just never thought to put them together.

This is what happens if you soak a tennis ball in a particular flammable liquid, light it on fire, then drop it and hit it. Do not  try this at home - but I speculate that at least one of you might.

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