A Favorite Post

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Plymouth Digital Photographers Club, Plymouth Beach, Massachusetts, USA

I had the opportunity to enjoy a warm and windy summer's evening on Plymouth's Long Beach with the Plymouth Digital Photographers Club. Here in New England, it is often so warm and tropical during the 10 weeks of summer vacation that it seems it will last forever. Sometimes it is hard to remember that this idyllic location for "America's Hometown" will soon be wrapped in icy cold for the winter months.

This sea creature is about to be engulfed by the incoming tide - and she seems quite happy at the prospect.

Photographers doing what they do.

This outing included a local birding expert to provide knowledge depth and detail about the birds on the beach. We even got to see a high speed low level pass by a peregrine falcon flying just a few feet off the sand - alas, he was flying too fast for my senior reflexes to photograph, even with a point-and-shoot camera.

Long Beach is often a quiet and special place for photographers and other visitors alike.

As the tide came in, only the gulls were left to oversee this sand castle, the exhausted kid(s) who constructed it likely home in bed asleep.

If it were winter, the white spots could be really big snow flakes but today it was a flock of sanderlings.

Every year, during the last week of August, about a half dozen families/small groups win a lottery that grants a beach camping permit at the tip of Long Beach - what a special treat.

A picture perfect outing ended with this view west from the tip of Long Beach towards the distant horizon of Plymouth and Kingston.

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