A Favorite Post

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


After I retired last year, we sold our house near Boston and moved near White Horse Beach in Plymouth. Since we had been visiting that beach for many years, we were already familiar with where the various services and products and stores were located.  We knew who to call for plumbing or electrical or whatever.  It's an odd circumstance for a move.  Most other moves in my life I had only visited the new location a few times.  This method of moving is far easier  - but less adventuresome.

So it's time to settle in once again. As we began unpacking boxes that had been in storage for almost a year, I did learn one good lesson - get rid of at least half of your stuff when you first pack and then - before the movers come, get rid of half of that - such a technique will reduce the number of occasions when unpacking that you say to yourself many times, "why in the heck did I think that this (fill in the blank) was worth keeping?"

I also know this: if I never have to move again in this lifetime, I will consider myself a lucky man.

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